Helping landlords
Information for Landlords
We understand that letting your property, especially for the first time, can be a worrying experience and with this in mind our most important consideration is providing you the Landlord with the best possible service and the right tenant for your property.
We never forget that the property is your most important asset and we can confidently assure you that by instructing us to act as your Letting and Management Agents your asset will be in professional and caring hands.
A Personal Service
Because we are a small firm, we are able to offer a personal service, with attention to detail, whilst at the same time maintaining a high standard of competence and professionalism.
Competitive Rates
Our fees are competitive and may be open to negotiation dependent on the level of Service required. We are particularly committed to investment Landlords and savings can be made on the smallest of portfolios.
Carefully Selected Tenants
Drawn from a continually updated register, all prospective Tenants are thoroughly referenced and credit checked. In some cases we will also require a guarantor.
This is our inclusive Service, which provides for the marketing of the property and carrying out viewings, leading to the introduction and vetting of a prospective Tenant via an Independent Reference Agency.. This proving satisfactory, we then go ahead and prepare the comprehensive tenancy agreement which will be e signed, and if required an inventory. The Tenant will then be checked in against the inventory. Without having an Inventory it will prove more difficult to establish any descriptions, marks or defects when, if required, disputing the deposit at the end of the Tenancy.
During the tenancy we carry out periodic inspection visits, 2 per annum. Should these bring to light any maintenance issues, we will (within the confines of our Management Agreement) arrange or recommend any necessary repairs.
Collecting and processing of rental payments is also an important part of our Full Management Service. Rental balances will be credited automatically to the Landlord’s nominated bank account.
Towards the end of the tenancy, we liaise with the Tenant, with a view to renewing the tenancy agreement, or arranging to check them out and re-advertising the property to let.
This Service is suitable for Landlords who are not residing locally, or would rather not deal with the Tenants directly, preferring all aspects to be handled by an Agent.
Our fees
Managed Service
- Set up Fee of £360 (inc VAT) payable per New Tenancy
- Full Management monthly charge of 12% + VAT
- Rent Protection monthly charge of 2% + VAT
Let Only Service
- Set up Fee £600 (incl VAT) for any Rents up to £600pcm
- Rents over £500pcm 75% +VAT of first months rent payable
Company Let/Non Housing Act Tenancies
- Application Fee £300 (incl VAT)
Optional Add Ons
- Inventory preparation from £75 to £150 dependent on number of bedrooms (inc VAT)
- Inventory Check out Fee £75 (inc VAT)
- Energy Performance Assessment / Certificate £75 (No VAT)
- Gas Safety Test / Certificate £90 (inc VAT)
- Legionnaire Assessment from £84 (No VAT)
- Statutory Declaration Claim (for Deposit Disputes) £36 (Inc VAT)
- Tenancy Renewal £60 (inc VAT)
- Interim Property Inspections £40 (inc VAT)
- Section 21 Notice £120 (inc VAT)
- Electrical Safety Certificate from £150 (No VAT)
As appointed introducers for several insurance companies we are able to offer a range of insurance policies for landlords, including the following:
- Buildings Insurance
- Contents Insurance
- Rent guarantee
- Legal Expenses
Please ask for further details.
Guide for Landlords
Before a property can be let, there are several matters which the owner will need to deal with to ensure that the tenancy runs smoothly, and also that he/she complies with the law.
We provide summarised information below. If you require further advice or assistance with any matter, please do not hesitate to contact us:
Preparing the Property
We have found that a good relationship with Tenants is the key to a smooth-running tenancy. As Property Managers this relationship is our job, but it is important that the Tenants should feel comfortable in their temporary home, and that they are receiving value for their money. It follows therefore that a well presented and maintained property in a good decorative order will go towards this, whilst also achieving a higher rental figure. Tenants are also more inclined to treat such a property with greater respect.3
Other considerations
Health and Safety and other legal requirements
The above is a brief summary of landlords’ responsibilities and of the laws surrounding tenanted property. We hope that you find it useful. If there are any aspects of which you are unsure, please ask us. We look forward to being of assistance to you in the letting and management of your property. If you wish you can print this page by using your browser Print option.